Be accepted.
Be loved. Be seen.
Therapy for LGBTQIA+ Individuals, Couples, and Their Loved Ones
Available Online throughout Florida and Minnesota
You never quite fit in.
Growing up queer in our society is not easy.
From an early age, you were likely made to feel unwelcome and ashamed of who you are.
At school, at church, even at home, you were faced with a rejection of your identity.
The shame evolved into a feeling that being queer made you unworthy of love.
The pain is still there.
As you got older and became more self-assured, you’ve been able to accomplish great things.
You are successful in your career, live in a nice home, and maintain a solid social circle.
But the wounds of your past haven’t healed, and you still feel their effects today.
Life feels more difficult than it should be.
Anxiety, depression, and anger arise at unexpected times.
There is a deep feeling of worthlessness – not just in the things you do but in who you are.
It’s as though you’re unacceptable, unlovable, fundamentally flawed, just because you’re not heterosexual.
These wounds manifest themselves throughout your life.
They keep you from forming genuine bonds in your relationship, preventing you from ever feeling a sense of accomplishment at home or work.
Life feels like you are trapped in an arrested state of emotional development and unsure how to cope.
So, you wear a mask in public…
…presenting an image of yourself to the world that doesn’t resemble who you are inside…
…pretending that everything is fine when deep down you know that it’s anything but.
You overachieve and take on more than you should, never slowing down for fear that someone might catch a glimpse of the real you.
Being yourself isn’t easy, but the cost
of hiding is too great.
It’s true that coming out to your family, friends, coworkers, and community can open you to genuine dangers… being rejected, ridiculed, or legitimate physical threats.
But, the stress of remaining closeted creates real and lasting trauma that will never heal as long as you keep hiding who you truly are.

It is imperative that you have a competent, skilled therapist who understands how these issues lead to suffering and may compound mental illness.
As also members of the LGBTQIA+ community, our goal is to provide space for you to explore your trauma and heal.
Let’s chat in a 15-minute free phone consultation about how one of our therapists can help you change your life.
Hi, and welcome to
the Queer Psychotherapy Collective.
We accept the completely different, radical you. No matter your story. No matter your background.
We work with queer – adults, young adults over the age of 16, couples, and families – to regain control over their lives where possible.
We believe when you feel completely respected and included, you will experience the healing power of radical self-acceptance.
Is it your time to hum a different tune, one you write that embraces your radical best you? We want to keep you moving in the direction that is best for you.
Let us help you go where you want to go in life.

What We Offer
Change comes from
choice and practice.
We at Queer Collective are ready to offer compassion, acceptance, and love as we work through who you are.